Les Nouvelles Technologies | Leurs impacts dans notre vie...
By: Stacy Staace,
NTK contributor
A mon avis, les nouvelles technologies profitent à tous, mais elles sont bien plus profitables à ceux qui en sont à l’origine. Alors concrètement, quel est l’impact sur nous les jeunes? La technologie est-il le secteur d’avenir? Les étudiants devraient-ils tous être formés à la technologie ? Dans le cas contraire, doit-on craindre que notre futur emploi soit absorbé par la technologie ou que nos qualifications ne soient plus adaptées ? Peut-on complément ignorer l’explosion...Read more

J’ai fait un rêve, mais un rêve Haïtien!
By: Doudou Joachim,
Date: 2/17/2014, NTK Contributor
I believe that true enlightenment occurs when one recognizes his/her limit and is open to changing course if organic and holistic evidences point elsewhere. Haiti can be the country that helps to solve this predicament for all black nations throughout the world, which should start by believing in our natural capacities, accepting our identity, cleansing our psychological wounds, and moving on to make the world a better place to grow subsequent lives. Haiti will find this essential equilibrium...Read more

Here are the traits that help home-based business owners thrive. 1. Do what you enjoy. 2. Take what you do seriously. 3. Plan everything. 4. Manage money wisely. 5. Ask for the sale. 6. Remember it's all about the customer. 7. Become a shameless self-promoter (without becoming obnoxious). Read more

Today, our beloved HAITI is facing many problems. Way too many in my view! Broke! No enforceable rule of law! No infrastructures! A booming population despite all the natural disasters that struck the country in the last decade! An ecological disaster in its final stage! Literally, Haiti looks like a cancer...Read more

Garlic is one of the most amazing medicinal herbs on Earth. It has been among my top-recommended healing foods and medicines for years. Most people know garlic as being anti-cancer and can lower high cholesterol. But did you know that garlic also helps normalize high blood pressure? ...Read more

Nadège Joachim Augustin, assessor mayor of Port-au-Prince has explained "...this local education policy said that in school, children are not there just to learn to read and write [...] but that there is lot of things that need to be integrated in education,...Read more

While U.S. officials and world leaders try to find ways to help Haiti rise from disaster, Joachim Vivens offered some suggestions: Rebuild to code, strengthen police forces and mandate education. "Every Haitian still believes and hopes for a better Haiti," said Vivens...Read more
Nout Tout Konekte - Pour une Haiti meilleure
Thank you for visiting the Nou Tout Konekte's website. The services or products offered are mainly those from well-known companies that we are affiliating with to sustain us financially. For instance, we're affiliated with Walmart, Microsoft, Apple (selling iTunes songs), and many other companies to offer to you a wide range of products and services. Any purchases you made through different links (banner or text) seen on any pages of our website will generate for us a small profit. In other words, these companies are willing to give us a small percentage of the purchased price of any product or service you order here. Bear in mind the overall cost to you will not change whether you buy here, buy direct to these companies' website, or buy in-store. The logic is that most companies believe in compensating others for driving traffics (sales) to their stores. This technique or system of "affiliation" is available to anyone who has a website or a blog. It's not an exclusive offer to Nou Tout Konekte. If any visitor wishes to know more, they can contact me and I'll be happy to explain how the system works, or do a simple search for affiliate programs online. Our more direct business branch "NTK Video Services" is where we offer video productions for weddings, graduations, communions, anniversaries, and other video services at a very reasonable and competitive price. If you'd like to book us for any video service needs, click here or book us at Gigmaster.
Our motto is simple: You Shouldn't Expect Anything Less Because You Matter! Here we believe we should have an infinite and diagonally vertical learning curve. That being said, we grow one step at a time. We are constantly studying, researching, and trying to establish a strategic or academic cooperation with the industries' best in video productions and website optimization, the like of Adobe, Creative Cow, Studio Network Solutions, Motion Script, Video Copilot, About Us, and makeuseof. The goal is to eventually channel our know-how back to everyone we'll serve. Beside from being slightly focusing on a business model that is not too aggressive, we have been working to bring regular web broadcasting programs to entertain you. Some are featured here on the site, others on our YouTube Channel "vivensj" (remember to subscribe | sonje pou aboné | abonner sur notre channel, s.v.p.), on our Facebook page "Nou Tout Konekte" that we'll urge you to Like, on LinkedIn, and even on some local Television shows. The latter is a work-in-progress as we'll have to convey a form of collaboration that is beneficial to the market niche that this setting serves. More to come on this.
Nou Tout Konekte has had the privileges of having friends and relatives who have written some articles for the site. We continue to look for individuals to write simple articles, a page long, to publish here regularly, with the main focus to be about Haiti | Education | Culture | Agribusiness | Trees Planting | Farming | Etc... Write us, send us your picture (120x120) in either jpeg or png format. We cannot promise we will publish everyone's article, but we will definitely try our best to publish most articles. We'll accept articles in English, French, or Haitian Creole. At this point, we cannot offer any financial compensation to anyone who's willing to write articles for Nou Tout Konekte. We look at this as a way to express onself, to contribute, and to impact one another's life. If you think you can lend a hand, we'll be happy to share your creative thinking with the rest of the world.
A side note: as the site administrator, I have found extremely helpful to brand myself the right way for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or for better ranking on sites such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc... The best method that I have found is in this link: "Vivens Joachim BrandYourself. " Check it out for your website, your YouTube Channel, your LinkedIn profile, etc...It's just a tremendous tool that will help you boost your visibility online.
Also, if you're really serious above motion graphic designs, such as great intro for your TV Shows, your slideshow, or you just simply want to bring your elegant skills to the curious eyes of the world, you'll find helpful the link below. The only requirement is to have a basic understanding of Adobe After Effects, Element 3D, Cinema 3D, Final Cut, and any other supporting NLE software out there. Here is the link: VideoHive
Paix! Amour! Succès! Parce que nous sommes tous connectés!
Paz! Amor! Sucesso! Porque estamos todoa conectado!
Vivens Joachim
Citizen of the World!
Email us at: vjmvproduction@gmail.com
Follow @vjoachim
My African songs Playlist, not for download. Buy at Itunes or CDBaby. Just for demo and fun!
- Aboki
- Alingo
- Azonto
- Baby Oku
- Beautiful Onyinye
- Bottom Belle Omawumi
- Gaga Crazy
- Girl
- Kukere
- Kwarikwa
- Limpopo
- Malo Nogede
- Ruff and Smooth Naija
- Shake
- Yangele